Contact and Resources

 Neighbors at Home Service Request

Click here to submit an email service request. An email screen should pop up (depending on how your browser is configured), on which you can enter the request. Please put "service request" as the email subject, and include in the text of the note your name, preferred contact (voice, text, or email), and a brief description of the nature of the request. You should receive a reply within 24 hours, except on weekends and holidays. To make your request by voicemail, leave us a message via 413-200-8183.

 N@H Comment or Question

Click here to reach out by email with a question or comment. An email screen should pop up (depending on how your browser is configured), where you can compose your message. Please characterize your concern in the email subject, and include in the text of the note your name, preferred contact (voice, text, or email), and then describe your concern. You should receive a reply within 24 hours, except on weekends and holidays.


Header image: Dancing to Oldies outside of the 2023 Community Barbecue, one of the Northfield 350 activities